Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Besties (Part 1)

     Everyone who knows me knows that 2010 was a great year for me, possibly one of the greatest.  What I'm not sure of is if people know that 2010 was so great because aside from winning Lifestyle Network's Clash of the Toque-en Ones (and a future cooking show), this blog was voted as finalist for Best Sports Blog in the 2010 Philippine Blog Awards.  To celebrate, here are some of the blog entries from last year I'm most proud of. Click the titles to read the original articles. Do you have a personal favorite? Let me know!

8. Gee Thanks Mom and Dad

Synopsis: What happened when I spent time looking for weird names in sports? What I found was a treasure trove of fun. 

Favorite Lines from the Post: The irony for this former player and later on pitching coach (actual name was Calvin Coolidge Julius Caesar Tuskahoma Mclish) is that his father named him.  His father's name? John.

7. Grand Slam

Synopsis: Having thoroughly enjoyed Rafe Bartholomew's Pacific Rims, I proceeded to write a review which I am honored that he read.

Favorite Lines from the Post: Bartholomew's success is that much greater, as he does all this in a tone with no hint of condescension or  preachiness.  This is when you realize that he is only able to do so because he actually took the time to immerse himself fully into the Philippines, its ballers and their stories.

6. Uneducated

Synopsis: Fuming at Floyd Mayweather's racist remarks against Manny Pacquiao, I wrote this piece and sent it to Mayweather on Twitter.

Favorite Lines from the Post: What kind of idiocy allows such garbage be spewed from one's mouth? Mayweather's words do nothing for his already struggling sport, one which has been incredibly good to him. His words are certainly unwelcome, in a time when hate still reigns in this world and racial divides have not been fully crossed.  His words are woefully inappropriate, in a time when everyone, even young children, could easily access the hateful rant of their boxing hero.  

5. Poisonous Cocktail

Synopsis: I try to find the worst movies starring local Filipino athletes to prove sports and movies don't mix.

Favorite Lines from the Post: It actually features Wapakman fighting a giant crab and a villain with supersonic breasts.  Yeah, I know.