Monday, March 7, 2011

Fifty Peso Shots: February 2011

     Some shots from the cheap seats:

  • Kudos must go to the "Filipino Wrecking Machine" Mark Munoz, who scored an impressive KO of CB Dolloway in UFC Live on Versus 3.  Munoz, who was once known as too one dimensional a wrestler, showed of his new-found striking skills learned from Black House.  How about a fight with Michael Bisping next?
  • Nonito Donaire is looking to unify all the belts in the Bantamweight Division, but he scored an impressive victory outside the ring recently.  According to the "FIlipino Flash" he and his dad have made up.  One can only hope this closes the chapter of distractions for Donaire as he begins his climb to global stardom.

  • Dwight Howard is my main man, but he really needs to learn some control.  He recently earned his 16th technical foul, meaning an automatic one game suspension.  He really does get manhandled in the paint, but he needs to bite his tongue as he is more valuable on the court than off it.

  • The rumors are apparently true. The UFC will be setting up its first Ultimate FIghter outside of the US in the Philippines.  With Munoz's rousing victory, expect him to be one of the coaches.  The UFC will probably hand out a contract to TUF:Philippines champion, so this could mean the first Philippine-trained mma fighter in the UFC!

  • Smart Gilas doubters are trying to belittle the national team's 2-0 start by saying Gilas has an unfair advantage with the 6'11" Marcus Douthit.  Fact of the matter is, GIlas won both games in the final period, through excellent conditioning and competent free throw shooting.  PBA teams need to slow the tempo down or get in better shape if they hope to beat the "kids."

photos courtesy of AP, Getty Images, Yahoo Sports,